Special Pipe

非标定制 新能源储能 特种管材 新型建材 医疗产品 运动产品 展示道具


TPU bathroom pipe

TPU tube characteristics;1. Extensive hardness planning: after changing the ratio of TPU reaction components, products with different hardness can be obtained, and with the increase of hardness, the products still adhere to excellent elasticity and wear resistance.2. High mechanical strength: TPU products have excellent bearing capacity, impact resistance and shock absorption.3. Excellent cold resistance: The glass state of TPU changes at a relatively low temperature, and still maintains excellent elasticity, smoothness and other physical functions at minus 35 degrees.4. Good processing function: TPU can be processed by using common thermoplastic processing methods, such as injection molding, extrusion, rolling and so on.Together, TPU and some polymer materials can be processed together to obtain complementary polymer alloys.5. Oil, water and mold resistance.6. Good regeneration and application.

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